Modification of 5-tone tonemodule TQ5001 or TQ5002 to a (1750Hz) singletone unit (repeater-call).

TQ5001 has a ZVEI tonecoil, and TQ5002 has a CCIR tonecoil.

TQ5001 unmodified

All components around IC U106 and the IC itself are removed, diodes D105 and D106 and transistor Q130 as well
A new diode is connected from U104 pin4 (cathode) to U104 pin 10 (andode).

All CODING wires on the coil are removed. DO NOT remove the 3 dualcolored wires.

TQ5001 modified

Tonefrequency is selected by new white wire from C113 to terminal on coil.

If the unit is a TQ5002 selecting terminal 10 will output 1747Hz, and if the unit is TQ5001 selecting terminal 9 (as shown on picture)
will output 1830Hz, and then a capacitor (4.7nF) parallel to C113 is used to lower the frequency.

Tone length is adjusted by pot R137 (L adj) and deviation is adjusted by pot R113 (dev adj).

TQ5001 modified

A transistor BC557 and 2 resistors are used to power the LED as a squelch-open indicator.

If a dual LED (red and green) is used, the red is used as squelch-indicator, and the green is powered by a resistor to +8,5v.
With power on and no signal the LED is green, and with signal the LED is yellow.

TQ5001 modif

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